Meet the Faculty

Beverly Alwell
Beverly Alwell DBA
Assistant Professor of Accounting
(318) 473-6448
Chambers - 113
Long Li 240
Long Li Ph.D.
Associate Professor of CMIS
(318) 473-6428
Chambers - 115
Kent Lachney
Kent Lachney D.B.A, CPA
Chair, Accounting and Finance Department & Associate Professor of Accounting
(318) 473-6498
Chambers - 102
Adena LeJeune
Adena LeJeune Ph.D, CPA
Associate Professor of Accounting
(318) 427-4484
Chambers - 109
Katy McClure MBA, CPA
Instructor of Accounting
(318) 427-0415
Chambers - 112


“Professor Alwell and Dr. Lachney were extremely helpful in many areas.  我向每个问我在线课程的人推荐这个课程.”  Emily B.

You have been such a great help to me while attending 可靠的网赌平台. You are a great professor!” Kevaniesha S.

“我想向您表示感谢,感谢您允许我在求职申请中将您列为推荐人.  我很感激您为教我在这个工作领域取得成功所需要知道的材料所做的努力.”  Jerilynn L.


“我想表达我在这门课上的经历,以及我对Dr. Lachney and his time to assist me with my coursework.”  Kimberly B.


“This has been a wonderful experience for me, 我可以毫无疑问地说,这是我做过的最好的决定之一.”  Danielle F.


“非常感谢你昨天抽出时间和我谈话. I greatly appreciate the information you gave me; it was very helpful & 信息丰富,它帮助我坚定了做会计的决定."   Dana P.